Midnight Sun near Rothera Station
Rothera is the biggest British station in the Antarctic. About 25 people live here all year round, with the population swelling to over 150 in the austral summer, when the sun never sets completely. the photgraph which was taken to use for this painting was taken at 1 am on a cold but pleasant December morning approaching midsummer. There is a link to the British Antarctic Survey website on my links page.
Midnight Sun near Rothera Station
Rothera is the biggest British station in the Antarctic. About 25 people live here all year round, with the population swelling to over 150 in the austral summer, when the sun never sets completely. the photgraph which was taken to use for this painting was taken at 1 am on a cold but pleasant December morning approaching midsummer. There is a link to the British Antarctic Survey website on my links page.
Midnight Sun near Rothera Station
Rothera is the biggest British station in the Antarctic. About 25 people live here all year round, with the population swelling to over 150 in the austral summer, when the sun never sets completely. the photgraph which was taken to use for this painting was taken at 1 am on a cold but pleasant December morning approaching midsummer. There is a link to the British Antarctic Survey website on my links page.